My Low Carb Version of Corned Beef Hash
Growing up, every once in a great while my mom would make my sister and I Corned Beef Hash on Sunday mornings. Now I am not talking about the fancy stuff (sorry Mom for outing you!). I am talking about the stuff that comes in a can. I normally do not like runny eggs. But Corned Beef Hash is one of my few exceptions for having runny eggs.
I was talking to Mike about trying some Irish dishes this week because I am Irish and St. Patrick's Day is my favorite holiday. He then informs me he does not like Corned Beef. Hu? My non-picky eater live-in boyfriend actually does not like something? I read a lot of food blogs and everyone has been making Corned Beef and Cabbage this week and now I got a craving for it. Mike did point out to me that I do not like processed Ham. The sliced stuff in the deli isle that you put on sandwiches. I then said I liked Canadian Bacon. Thus made me realize what I could use as a substitute of the Corned Beef.
I had a daikon left over from my Lamb Stew and had thought of making something with it. I honestly never thought I would be able to eat hash browns again until I discovered this Asian vegetable.
This is a completely, brand new recipe I made up so it is considered a HollyG original. If you choose to make this and have a blog, all I ask is that you say where you got it from. I always try to do the same and even state where I get my idea's and/or inspiration recipes.
I did make an uh-oh this morning and cooked my eggs not runny. I highly recommend making the eggs, over easy thus runny for this recipe. I missed having my eggs runny this morning! I also used some low sugar ketchup at garnish. I like ketchup with eggs once in a while and especially with Corned Beef Hash.
This is sooooo easy to make. Check out the photo's I posted below the recipe.
- 1 daikon
- 5 slices of Canadian bacon
- About 2 TBS olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Eggs, cooked in the over easy style
- Wash the daikon and dry with a paper towel.
- Using a vegetable peeler, peel off the outside.
- Chop the daikon into small pieces.
- Add the olive oil to a large frying pan on high.
- Add the chopped diakon.
- Add salt and pepper (I used grinders but regular table salt and pepper should work just fine).
- Cook for about 7 minutes, stirring frequently. You want the daikon to brown.
- Cut the Canadian bacon into small pieces.
- Push the diakon to the side of the pan and add the Canadian bacon.
- Cook the Canadian bacon for about a minute, stir and cook for another minute. This will cook up fast.
- Mix the Diakon and Canadian bacon together. Cook for about 3 minutes.
- Remove the mixture from the pan.
- Cook your eggs over easy in the same pan.
- Once the eggs are done, serve with the diakon.
Here is a photo montage I put together this morning. This shows how easy this is to make:
The diakon and Canadian bacon in their original form:
The Chopped diakon,
length wise before you chop it into small pieces:
Add the diakon into the large frying pan,
at first it will look like this:
The chopped Canadian bacon
The diakon and the Canadian bacon
in the frying pan together:
The reduced sugar ketchup I like:
The final results:
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