My Low Carb Version of Corned Beef Hash

Growing up, every once in a great while my mom would make my sister and I Corned Beef Hash on Sunday mornings. Now I am not talking about the fancy stuff (sorry Mom for outing you!). I am talking about the stuff that comes in a can. I normally do not like runny eggs. But Corned Beef Hash is one of my few exceptions for having runny eggs. 

I was talking to Mike about trying some Irish dishes this week because I am Irish and St. Patrick's Day is my favorite holiday. He then informs me he does not like Corned Beef. Hu? My non-picky eater live-in boyfriend actually does not like something? I read a lot of food blogs and everyone has been making Corned Beef and Cabbage this week and now I got a craving for it. Mike did point out to me that I do not like processed Ham. The sliced stuff in the deli isle that you put on sandwiches. I then said I liked Canadian Bacon. Thus made me realize what I could use as a substitute of the Corned Beef. 

I had a daikon left over from my Lamb Stew and had thought of making something with it. I honestly never thought I would be able to eat hash browns again until I discovered this Asian vegetable. 

This is a completely, brand new recipe I made up so it is considered a HollyG original. If you choose to make this and have a blog, all I ask is that you say where you got it from. I always try to do the same and even state where I get my idea's and/or inspiration recipes. 

I did make an uh-oh this morning and cooked my eggs not runny. I highly recommend making the eggs, over easy thus runny for this recipe. I missed having my eggs runny this morning! I also used some low sugar ketchup at garnish. I like ketchup with eggs once in a while and especially with Corned Beef Hash. 

This is sooooo easy to make. Check out the photo's I posted below the recipe. 


  • 1 daikon
  • 5 slices of Canadian bacon
  • About 2 TBS olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Eggs, cooked in the over easy style
  1. Wash the daikon and dry with a paper towel. 
  2. Using a vegetable peeler, peel off the outside.
  3. Chop the daikon into small pieces. 
  4. Add the olive oil to a large frying pan on high. 
  5. Add the chopped diakon. 
  6. Add salt and pepper (I used grinders but regular table salt and pepper should work just fine).
  7. Cook for about 7 minutes, stirring frequently. You want the daikon to brown. 
  8. Cut the Canadian bacon into small pieces. 
  9. Push the diakon to the side of the pan and add the Canadian bacon. 
  10. Cook the Canadian bacon for about a minute, stir and cook for another minute. This will cook up fast. 
  11. Mix the Diakon and Canadian bacon together. Cook for about 3 minutes. 
  12. Remove the mixture from the pan. 
  13. Cook your eggs over easy in the same pan. 
  14. Once the eggs are done, serve with the diakon. 
Here is a photo montage I put together this morning. This shows how easy this is to make:

The diakon and Canadian bacon in their original form:

The Chopped diakon, 
length wise before you chop it into small pieces:

Add the diakon into the large frying pan, 
at first it will look like this:

The chopped Canadian bacon

The diakon and the Canadian bacon 
in the frying pan together:

The reduced sugar ketchup I like:

The final results:


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