The Pantry

If there is one thing that I really like in my kitchen, is the fact I have pantry. They can be hard to find in apartments in Hawaii and I got lucky to have one. I had some time this morning and after making a gross discovery last night, I decided to give it a clean out. Which you should do about every six months. Before I did this clean out, my pantry was stuffed with no room to spare. It still is pretty full but my stuff had started migrating to the cabinet above which is where Mike keeps his cereals. I am actually quite proud of the results. I read many other 'foodie' blogs and people always seem really interested in what people always have in stock in their pantry. Also, remember Mike does not completely eat low carb, so there is stuff in there that is not low carb which I do not eat and Mike does. I told Mike about this blog entry and he obviously pointed out I want to show off my pantry now it is all cleaned out and completely organized. Generally, I kept the sam...